Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The devil always gets its way...!

Finally the Congress got its way. They are going to implement the OBC reservations in higher education. They also promised that they are going to hike the seats in these institutes so that the open category seats remain the same.

But I have a small doubt. What would be the cost the govt has to bear for hiking the seats. I heard someone remarking on telly that last year the total money spent on higer education is around 1000 Crores. The money needed to hike seats in AIIMs and other institutes is 4000 Crores.The budgeted money on Secondary and Higer Education for 2006-2007 can be viewed here.

Yes, the UPA will implement 27% OBC reservations but I dont think they will keep their promise of hiking the seats. The open category studetns will be given a raw deal.

The middle classes of India well deserve this treatment for its indifference. We get the govts that we deserve.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Dhimmies ...!!!!!

Many times on my blog I reiterated that Congress(I) is the most sectarian, most communal and most anti-India party.
The happenings over the last 2-3 months clearly proved my points. The icing on the cake is the Dargah issue in Vadodara.
In two days, two incidents took place. 30 odd Hindus were massacred by militants in J&K on day one and the Dargah issue on the second day.

In early 2006, following a High Court order, municipal authorities in Vadodara demolished 42 temples
Neither the Government of India nor the Supreme Court of India nor any secularist felt any need to intervene and prevent the destruction of Hindu shrines and cultural symbols.
But as the Dargah is demolished we saw myriad voices supporting the protesters and shunning the GUjarat govt.The High Court order had been to "take immediate steps for removal of encroachment of religious structures on the public space without any discrimination" and this is exactly what the authorities had done.
All affected religious communities cooperated, except the Muslims. ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Not surprisingly, our Media was busy showing the interviews of hurt Muslims in Vadodara. They completely forgot that 30odd Hindus ( a minority in J&k) were massacred in J&K. Humanrights activists,NGOs etc etc raised their voices against the authorities of Vadodara. But none spoke about the killings in J&k.
The Prime Minister of India was concerned enough to issue a statement and the Union Home Minister said that such killings will not derail the peace process. ; .

Yes, peace to Islamic militants...they can kill in piece. They will be given enough co operation by the Indian Govt.
Neither the National Human Rights Commission nor the Supreme Court of India felt the killing of Hindus by militants warranted their intervention.

I vividly remember that sometime back there was a grave of Prophet Mohammed's mother being buldozed to construct a shopping mall in Saudi Arabia. No Indian muslim raised voice. A grave in Saudi is far more genuine than a grave in India. Why didnt they protest against Saudi Aiuthorities? They very well know that the Arabs dont give a shit to Indian muslims. The only place where these people can raise a voice is India because of the existence of people like Arjun Singh and most of the Congresswallahas and not to forget the people who vote for Congress.