Sonia should have played her cards well. But she is not a master of these political games even though she is good. The Jharkhand and Goa issues pointed towards the power hunger and ruthlessness of Sonia. She has to do something to shift the focus. There is should be some other issue to divert the attention of non-exixtent "media watch dog".
Then came the Condolesa Rice's visit to India and the first meeting she had was with Sonia. Violaaa...!!! The visit came as a blessing in disguise for Sonia. A proper plan is chalked out and immediately, the foreign consulate of US of A rejected the VISA for Gujarat CM Narendra Modi on Human Rights grounds.
Entire media and country turns towards that and suddenly everyone forgets about Jharkhand and Goa. Do we call Sonia politically immature???
People of India , beware. She is here for a purpose and she is ruthless in execution.
What a way to divert focus??
The great indian intellectauls are still lost in debating about the VISA issue. They completely forgot about Jharkhand, Goa and an imminent Bihar.
A country of billion gullibles........hats off to the lady from Italy.
the end of the European century
5 hours ago
Looks like you were on an emotional high writing this...too many typos :)
and thats wt made you come to these conclusions also.
But the fact is that its the proselytisation gang(read benny hinn and his brother godmen) thats behind this move.
US government now is under the influence of missionary more than ever before. And these missionaries are having a tough time there in gujju land coz of Modi. so they wanted to take revenge on him by hook or crook.
thats the story behind it. infact i was impressed by the stand manmohan singh took on this issue. indian govt was firm enough.
hehehe..did I ever care for spellings???
Have seen VHP supremos' comments on NDTV y'day?
He was very categorical in saying that Sonia G is behind all this. He even mentioned that many Christian missionaries are claiming that they have forced US of A to do this.
Mr. Ashok Singhal knows better. He has a lobby in US of A.
First up, I like ur article. I also carry similar opinion in this case. But I hate calling Sonia as "Videsi" or "Italian". Come on, Give her a break - shez been here 30 years now ... Call her a poilitcal master-mind - dont mind, call her real PM - dont mind, call her an exploiter of the last name - dont mind ... but still mud-slinging on the daughter-in-law of India's most respected families in the name of birthplace is not right! Would you accpet if an Indian daughter were to get to that position in another nation - and if the parties/media there start ostracising her?
**but still mud-slinging on the daughter-in-law of India's most respected families in the name of birthplace is not right! **
Most respected family???? by whom??
**Would you accpet if an Indian daughter were to get to that position in another nation - and if the parties/media there start ostracising her?**
do you think any "gora" country will accpet a sand-nigger as a president or PM??The white media will cry foul.
And for your information this madam Sonia ran away from India at the time of emergency, sikh riots etc...she got her passport after some 15 years. She is not a true citixen of India. She is like another Nager Khan or someone else who just have their own petty interests here.
boyy...u r still reading ur school books written by Nehruvian-Stalinists... ;))
Well, looks like your Modi is better at these political games ..... the way he has played this to his advantage and outsmarted the Gujrat rebels....
I don't understand how you can have any sympathy with Modi... that guy got people killed, how can anyone in their right minds defend that ???
White media will cry foul ? what the hell are you talking about here ? cry foul about what ? Most of the media around the world is very liberal, and I am glad for that, and they would happily further the cause of a non-white PM president. Whether or not the society is ready to accept this is a different matter. The societies, generally, are conservative. So they will hesitate in embracing someone non-white, the same way there was reluctance over here to accept Sonia as the PM. You need to be a little more abstract, have an above average sense of understanding, have an above average sense of humanity to be liberal. The average man, by definition, is not capable of that, so the average man is conservative - irrespective of where he lives India or the West. The socities and media are not that different in the East and the West.
Negar Khan and Sonia Gandhi ? I don't even want to start talking about the comparison.
And would you rather read the saffronized version of those books ? History is never objective and unbiased.... you cannot trust any one source completely... you have to make your own judgements if you really want to comprehend history.
@Mr/Ms. Anon
It was difficult to comprehend your post...esp for an *average* person lik e me.Just to mention two lines from your post :
**Most of the media around the world is very liberal, and I am glad for that, and they would happily further the cause of a non-white PM president**
***The socities and media are not that different in the East and the West***
First...which world do you live in?? Are you from planet earht in Solar System??
You are contradicting yourself.
And let me repeat...I never sympathised Modi. He was ineffective in controlling a pandemonium in his state. He failed to control the law and order. Saying that he "got " perople killed is superflous. You are reading too much into our english media.Just try to think about oen thing
Why have you repeatedly shown the dead bodies of only moslems?? werent there any Hindus who died?? Why was media showing only the plight of Moslems? Werent there any Hindus who were going through the same plight??
Long-live Pseudoism....
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