I hate to use the three lettered expression...but last week...I uttered the same umpteen number of times.
The State Govt of Andhra Pradesh lead by Mr. Y. Samuel Rajashekhar Reddy confirmed 5% reservations for Muslims. With this, the total reservations in Andhra becomes 51%. So, all the so called majorities or forward castes consisting of Brahmins, Reddys, Naidus, Vaishyas etc...can compete for those remaining 49% or they can migrate to other states....wait....but the scenes in other states are not that rosy either....so, they can migrate to countries like US, UK etc...and live the lives of Sand-Niggers ....no probs....at least they are given enough opportunites in those countries. Congress govts in different states can ask Bangladesh and Pakistan to let their populace migrate into India so that the geographic distribution is maintained after all the Hindus leave the land.
The Dy CM of Karnataka almost got killed himself and some 8 bystanders when he fiddled with a Proclianer. Officials blamed the driver because he was not able to control the vehicle while Dy CM pressed a control button. One 8th std student lost his leg in this freak mishap.
I think they are filing a case against the driver now....though everyone knows who is responsible for the mishap.
Now into world of Sport:
The World Champions and supposedly invincibles....Ozzies lost to minnows Bangladesh. That too....Bangladesh chased a total of 250 against the Ozzie attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adding insult to injury, they lost to England in the next game. In the triangular series featuring Aussies, Eng and Bangladesh......the Ozzies are at 3rd place.
The FIA screwed up with the US GP and it is pathetic to see only 6 cars running there. Schumi won an empty race and the F1 fans lost. If FIA keeps doing such stupid thigs....I doubt whether I will be able to watch Formula One after some 3 years.
On the other side....
Greece are shown what they really are when it comes to Football in the Confederations cup. A 3-0 thrashing by the World Champions Brazil and a 1-0 loss to Asian Champs Japan show the quality they have.
the end of the European century
5 hours ago
on muslim reservation:
all fowards castes should also be moved into backward-castes..there would be no problem at all..
the reservation system always amues me.. it is like prescribing a headache pill for pain in the leg :P
the kanchi link you have was excellent.. i read chapter2,3 and 4. it makes a great reading.. thx Surya Oleti..
I used to watch Oleti Parvatisam intervewing many ppl in DD those days... so thought oh! Oleti vaada when I saw you in the G's community...
Hi Surya Narayana Gaaru,
I have no issues with what ever written in this particular post except for the fact that the 'S' in YSR stands for 'Sendenti' and NOT 'Samuel' as many people think it to be ... It is true that YSRs mother did convert to Christianity when YSRs younger brother was born (He had some complications at the time of the birth). So it is not about YSR but rather about YSVR.
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