I got this as an email fwd. It is the career profile of our so called Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
EDUCATION /Qualification:
Stood first in BA (Hons), Economics, PanjabUniversity, Chandigarh, 1952;Stood first in MA (Economics), PanjabUniversity, Chandigarh, 1954;Wright's Prize for distinguished performanceat St John's College, Cambridge, 1955 and 1957;Wrenbury scholar, University of Cambridge,1957;DPhil (Oxford),DLitt (Honoris Causa);PhD thesis on India's export competitiveness
OCCUPATION /Teaching Experience:
Professor (Senior lecturer, Economics),1957-59;Reader, Economics, 1959-63;Professor, Economics, Panjab University,Chandigarh, 1963-65;Professor, International Trade, Delhi Schoolof Economics,University of Delhi, 1969-71;Honorary professor, Jawaharlal NehruUniversity,New Delhi, 1976 andDelhi School of Economics, University ofDelhi,1996 andCivil Servant
Working Experience/ POSITIONS:
1971-72: Economic advisor, ministry offoreign trade 1972-76: Chief economic advisor, ministry offinance 1976-80: Director, Reserve Bank of India;Director, IndustrialDevelopment Bank of India;Alternate governor for India,Board of governors, Asian Development Bank;Alternate governor for India,Board of governors, IBRDNovember 1976 - April 1980: Secretary,ministry of finance (Department of economicaffairs);Member, finance, Atomic Energy Commission;Member, finance, Space Commission
April 1980 - September 15, 1982:Member-secretary, Planning Commission1980-83: Chairman, India Committee of theIndo-Japan joint study committeeSeptember 16, 1982 - January 14, 1985:Governor, Reserve Bank of India1982-85: Alternate Governor for India, Boardof governors, International Monetary Fund1983-84: Member, economic advisory council tothe Prime Minister1985: President, Indian Economic Association
January 15, 1985 - July 31, 1987: DeputyChairman, Planning CommissionAugust 1, 1987 - November 10, 1990:Secretary-general and commissioner, Southcommission, GenevaDecember 10, 1990 - March 14, 1991: Advisorto the Prime Minister on economic affairsMarch 15, 1991 - June 20, 1991: Chairman, UGC
June 21, 1991 - May 15, 1996: Union financeministerOctober 1991: Elected to Rajya Sabha fromAssam on Congress ticketJune 1995: Re-elected to Rajya Sabha
1996 onwards: Member, Consultative Committeefor the ministry of financeAugust 1, 1996 - December 4, 1997: Chairman,Parliamentary standing committee on commerceMarch 21, 1998 onwards: Leader of theOpposition, Rajya SabhaJune 5, 1998 onwards: Member, committee onfinance
August 13, 1998 onwards: Member, committee onrulesAug 1998-2001: Member, committee ofprivileges2000 onwards: Member, executive committee,Indian parliamentary group
June 2001: Re-elected to Rajya SabhaAug 2001 onwards: Member, general purposescommittee
India's Export Trends and Prospects forSelf-Sustained Growth -Clarendon Press, OxfordUniversity, 1964;...also published a large number of articlesin various economic journals.
Adam Smith Prize, University of Cambridge,1956
Padma Vibhushan, 1987
Euro money Award, Finance Minister of theYear, 1993;
Asia money Award, Finance Minister of theYear for Asia, 1993 and 1994
1966: Economic Affairs Officer
1966-69: Chief, financing for trade section,UNCTAD
1972-74: Deputy for India in IMF Committee ofTwenty on International Monetary Reform
1977-79: Indian delegation to Aid-IndiaConsortium Meetings
1980-82: Indo-Soviet joint planning groupmeeting
1982: Indo-Soviet monitoring group meeting
1993: Commonwealth Heads of GovernmentMeeting Cyprus1993: Human Rights World Conference, Vienna
Gymkhana Club, New Delhi;Life Member, India International Centre, NewDelhi
Guess what I said after going through the above??.....
What a waste of education.....!
the end of the European century
5 hours ago
Can u imagine how hard it is to become a politicion after being educated that much.
I feel it's not a waste. What ever one digest in their mind will direct to take better decisions.
I wish more educated people to be part of indian politics.
By posting this type of comments are u doing any good to anyone....Just think for a sec.
Try to lead group of people, u will know how it sucks.
I like to ask one Q for both hUmDiNgEr and Shilpa...
To what extent u r using ur educational knowledge? Is there any better way of utilising it.
Answer to ur-self.
Dear Swabhanu,
I wrote it after thorough questioning.
"Can u imagine how hard it is to become a politicion after being educated that much.
I feel it's not a waste. What ever one digest in their mind will direct to take better decisions"...
good point...but after having so much of education how can you become a "dummy" in the hands of someone who doesnt know an iota of politics? And talking abt taking better decisions...how can a "dummy" take decisions when he is remore controlled by "her highness"????
I cant imagine someone with that kind of education can be remote controlled by somone else...
"I wish more educated people to be part of indian politics."
I wish they are "free-willed" also.
"Try to lead group of people, u will know how it sucks"...
really??? I dont know....if someone thinks leading "sucks"...he shd step down from that position.
Anyway, thanx for your comment.
I want to convey the idea that its not an easy job by using the word sucks.
It seems i have used the wrong word to convey my opinion.
Yes, it is not any easy job. I agree. But, time and again we as a country failed to elect the right person for this job. Tell me one PM who made any justice to this job.Starting from Nehru...the post has always been occupied by a partisan person rather than an astute politician. PVN Rao , though an astute politician has to save his party first rather than working for the country. They were all prisioners of partisan politics. We elected ppl like V P Sing, Chandrasekhar, Deve Gowda, Rajiv Gandhi ( He is the worst PM India ever had..)...the list is full of ppl who are either communalists or pseudo secularists. The great short man Sastry was bumped off in dubious circumastances....
The point I am making abt Manmohan Sing was...there is no need for all that education for whatever he is doing presently.Any Lalu or Ramvilas Paswan can do it. Do u remember certain Paneer Selvam served as the CM of Tamil Nadu for sometime..???
manmoron singh cannot stand up to say no and thoroughly enjoys being a boot-licker to one uneducated bimbo risking national security in the process. that should be one of the main reasons why all his education and credentials have failed him and stand useless.
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